2017-10-17 黄俊清官网

2007年同校油画专业硕士毕业。 2012年初涉水彩,不久即被陕西省当代水彩粉画研究会聘为首批研究员、理事,2015年被泉州台商区美术家协会聘为首届顾问。 

2016   福建  泉州刺桐里“穆如清风”黄俊清水彩艺术展 
2016   福建  “凌云壮志、穆如清风”邱松庆、黄俊清双人展 
2016   福建  厦门蓝泊湾艺术汇馆“穆如清风•黄俊清2016水彩作品展” 
2015   福建  第三届福建省中青年水彩画家提名展 
2015   福建  厦门海峡文博会 艺术邀请展 
2015   云南  2015创意云南文博会 艺术邀请展 
2015   福建  厦门大摩 纸的时代“穆如清风”水彩作品个人展 
2015   台湾  两岸艺术展(水彩) 
2014   福建 “我们的家园”厦门大型艺术作品展 
2014   福建  全国12届美展福建省作品选拔展(油画、水彩) 
2014   台湾  两岸艺术展(水彩) 
2014   福建  文博会 艺术作品展 
2014   北京  2014文化部艺术品博览会 
2014   北京  北京上上美术馆展 
2014   西部  西部水彩网73/74/78/79期 




Huang Junqing
Born in 1970 in Fujian province. China, have been fond of painting art and beenintroduced to western classical music at an early age.
In 1985, began to learn painting at the Quanzhou art normal school in Fujian province,accepted traditional art education. Except western painting, contacted calligraphy,traditional Chinese painting and seal cutting at the same time.Graduated in 1988, worked as arts teachers at Shanxia middle school in Huian Fujian.in 1991, major in oil painting at Art college of Xiamen University, as undergraduatestudent of Hong Ruisheng, Mo Ye, Zhao Hui, Li Quanmiao and Tang Shaoyun. Graduatedin July 1995 with the highest total score, also became one of the first arts students at Artcollege of Xiamen University who signed a contract with art brokers.
In 2003, major in oil painting at Art college of Xiamen University.
Before my college age, I was member of Quanzhou Youth Artists Association and XiamenWatercolor Society, Representative works are "outside", "noon" and "the red roof" series,etc.
Self assessment
Since childhood, I have been fond of painting art and received a good education at a veryearly age, that let me successively study art at technical secondary school, and thencontinued to study in Xiamen University major in oil painting, then stayed and worked atXiamen University as the highest comprehensive score. After graduation from collegenearly two decades, however, because of not teaching art, lack the good condition, I only
engaged in painting and writing in my spare time. In the process, I cannot do this withoutencouragement and support of the predecessors and enthusiastic friends. During theartistic growth course, I can feel my unceasing transformation: from a teenager to collegestudent, more than 10 years of professional study of traditional painting, the special
environment and relatively independent exploring space working as a young teacher inuniversity after graduation, all of these let me give the color language more subjectiverefining, and constantly enhance its performance ability. The effort finally let memercilessly cast aside from object bound, can easily communicate with overseas masterof color picture, I also get the ability to control the color language independently, so thepicture gets newborn. I will make unremitting efforts along this road.
As the contact and understanding of music and other arts, I aim to pursuit a symphony inmy own painting. Based on the needs of the emotional expression, I use color anddecorate a picture, let the color and lines mixed as the change of frame structure, everylittle bit, plus or minus, tight or thin. Seemed as symphony played at the stage, orpassionate Haydn's sonata, gentle like Mendelssohn's aria, I depict the eternal "rural" inmy heart unceasingly.



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