
2017-7-25  潮望艺术网


This summer, 9 artists from China and France are invited to join the journey of art at the Lugu lake, presenting their ideas about nature and world from personal perspective.


Nature is the origin as well as the destination of all lives voyage. Our human comefrom nature and keep on exploring it. Art and the exploration are bound together inextricably, which makes art become a perspective to view the world. With the theme "perspective", we hope this event can express our thoughts and ideas about the world through art, and demonstrate the different perspectives of Chinese and French artists through painting.


Lugu lake was chose as our main stage, since Lugu lake lies in the meeting belt of two provinces and never frozen, which just like the interaction and communication between Chinese and French artists. Furthermore, there are 18 rivers feeds into the Lugu lake, as well as numerous tales, minorities and beliefs. We chose this pure and unaffected wonderland for this event, hoping new tales of art and culture can be hatched.


Perspective, the residence at Lugu lake and exhibition will take place in the next two months. We will follow and present the whole story. Coming soon!

