前 言
「董希源藝術精品展」將於2010年3月25日在香港雲峰畫苑藝術館與香港廣大觀眾會面了, 本人感到由衷的高興。本次畫展將會展出董希源四十多幅的精心畫作,其中有許多是他外出名山大川寫生歸來之靈感之作。
董希源出生在文化氣氛濃厚的“晝畫之鄉”-- 福建詔安的一個書香世家,自幼開始習畫,青少年時代已廣泛汲取古今中外各種畫派的精髓,並涉獵百家之長,練就了扎實的傳統基本功。他自1986年起至今已於全國舉行過20多個大型畫展,並出版多本作品集,近年更為北京人民大會堂、天安門城樓及國家領導人接待廳等創作大型作品,好評不斷,屢獲殊榮和獎項。
郭浩滿 2010.3.
( 國際收藏家交流協會會長、雲峰畫苑董事長 )
With great pleasure, Wan Fung Art Gallery will present our audience with the “Fine Arts Exhibition of Dong Xiyuan” on 25th March, 2010, the exhibits include more than 40 fine artworks of Dong Xiyuan on the theme of Chinese landscape and flower-and-birds. Dong has shown his strength, devotion and perseverance in his paintings. Many of his artistic creations are inspired by the Chinese mountains and streams.
Dong Xiyuan was born in Fujian Zhaoan, a culturally rich area in China. His interest in painting has grown under the influence of his seniors. Dong started to learn painting since he was 9, he has already gathered the strengths of different types of arts by the time he reached his teenage years. He has held over 20 fine arts exhibitions since 1986 throughout China and published several art albums. Recently, he has been invited to paint for the Great Hall of the People, Beijing and the Guest Hall of Paramount Leader of the Peoples’ Republic of China. His artworks have received several awards and are very well-acclaimed.
Dong Xiyuan’s popularity has grown rapidly in the Chinese art field in recent years. His artworks emphasize on a sense of grandness and most of them are very detailed. He likes to paint outdoors and his footsteps have been all over China as he very much admires the spirit of our mother nature. He is especially good at creating sublime through detailed brushstrokes, his landscape paintings have generated wonderful artistic effects through carefully constructing the structures of mountains, trees and clouds. Dong thinks the factor that makes landscape paintings valuable is the power they are able to demonstrate, the scenes have to be bright and clear, but at the same time they have to be closely related to the general public, so that they can become the artworks that are appreciated by people from all classes. In Dong’s art career, his special characteristics make him invulnerable to the impetuous social environment. Dong can always stay calm and peaceful so to concentrate in his creation. He believes that an artist cannot succeed without diligence and sincerity. Over the years, he tries to make his idea comes true through practical actions, and he wrote a large number of excellent works as the result. This is the reason why Dong’s works receive lots of acclaim from art communities, art lovers and collectors from everywhere.
Nowadays, the Chinese art and cultural scene is very promising, and it is entering a new historical era. We need artists like Dong Xiyuan, who are ambitious and talented, to create more and more masterpieces for this new era, to enhance and glorify Chinese art and culture as well as to show its value to the world. Here, I wish the “Fine Arts Exhibition Of Dong Xiyuan” will achieve great success. Hong Kong is the first stop of Dong’s exhibition, afterwards it will tour around China for our audience to share his artistic harvest.
Kwok Ho Mun March,2010
(The President of International Art Collectors Association, the President of Wan Fung Art Gallery)